Illustrated above from the Hayes Family Collection is the original Patent model submitted in 1865 by Martin H. Crane and Samuel A. Traugh (listed in period directories as a foreman of Crane, Breed & Co) for an improved seamless, sealable coffin. The model retains its’ original U. S. Patent Office tag recording the award on Pat. 2228 . Company flyers touting the features of its newly designed casket advised:
A delay of days or weeks, awaiting the arrival of absent friends, is entirely practicable. When due attention is given in sealing, which may, with care, be accomplished by anyone . . . bodies may be carried to any part of the globe at any season of the year, with perfect safety.
The new sealing feature in combination with traditional Victorian era toe-pincher shape and removable viewing plate served the Crane & Breed Co. well as recovery of the fallen from burial grounds across the South continued in mass in the earliest post-Civil War period.
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